Morning Elixir: Adaptogenic Hot Cacao

Most days, I wake up calm. These days, I might go straight to a yoga class or workout. Everything seems to flow. I might feel like putting on makeup while listening to a podcast. On these days, I whip up a matcha or chai tea on my way to work. These are the days I take on more of everything. I say yes to more. I push myself mentally and physically. I am more social and talkative.

Even though I am generally able to manage my emotions and stay in alignement, some days I still wake up with a feeling of unease. When something doesn’t feel quite right. This usually happens during trasitions - of which I’ve gone through many recently. It feels like fear, and so I limit things that heigten that fear state (i.e. caffeine, intense exercise, social commitments, news, and social media). These days, I lay in bed longer. I meditate or walk - but don’t immediately get in the car or on the bike. I listen to music instead of podcasts.

I move s l o w l y.

Because of the global climate and my concurrent fragile inner environment (as I nagivate aforementioned personal transitions), these mornings have been somewhat more common lately. I will return to my beloved matcha soon (and even to the occasional coffee someday!) - but right now, I’m opting for something much more soothing. So, here it is folks - my adaptogenic hot cacao. It’s calming yet energizing, feminine yet masculine, sweet yet savory. With only around 12mg caffine + calming herbs, it does not overstimulate my sympathetic nervous system or adrenals, but definitely gets me going in the morning. I usually drink this around 8am, and it keeps me full until around 10-11am when my body is ready for something solid.


Adaotogenic Hot Cacao

Makes about 16oz

  • 1 T coconut butter

  • 1 T cacao powder

  • 1 t manuka honey

  • 1 t gelatnized maca

  • 1 pack Four Sigmatic Lion’s Mane (Includes Lion’s Mane for focus with Rhodiola for adrenal/mental health)

  • 1 scoop collagen

  • 14oz hot (near boiling) water

Put all ingredients in high-speed blender. Blend until frothy. Sip slowly & enjoy :)